Monday, 24 November 2008

Cars I have owned

Now its time to move on to the interesting stuff. Cars I have owned and what I think of them. I list below the various cars and my comments thereon.
1 MG Montego Turbo
The less said about this car the better. This is the first car I ever bought. It was purchased used from a "car supermarket". It died 10 minutes away from the showroom. I got rid of it within 8 months. Kept paying for it for another 2 years.
2 BMW 316i
This car was a little beauty. Great fun to drive, both in the city and out in the country. I saw most of England in this car. It never let me down. It got stolen this summer just gone. I really should have scrapped it before the thieving b*****d's got their hands on it. I owned it for 18 years, did not drive it for the last 5. I was just sentimental about scrapping it.
3 Jeep Cherokee
Lovely car. My first 4X4. I was hooked. Drank petrol like an alcoholic but great fun to drive.
4 Jeep Grand Cherokee
This car was much like the Cherokee but twice as much fun. It also had a whole heap of toys that I got used to.
5 Audi A6
This is the nicest car and most fun car I have ever had driving. If you like driving cars then this is the one for you. Handles like a dream and goes like stink. I have a smile on my face when I get into and out of it. Unfortunately it needs a bit of maintenance work on it. However, any money spent on it will not be recovered. That's the accountant in me talking. Its also got a lot of gadgets in it but not as much as the Grand Cherokee.

All of the cars mentioned above were purchased used. The next car is the first car I have ever bought new. Its....wait for it.....drum roll... a Toyota Prius. Its the second worst car I have owned and will need a whole post for itself.

Finally the cars I would like to own:
1 Jaguar E Type
2 Merecedes 450 SL from the late 70's or something similar
3 Ferrari
4 Aston Martin DB7
5 Bentley

So there you have it. If you want more in depth information on my experiences with the above mentioned cars just let me know.

Sunday, 23 November 2008


Well seeing as I have to drive into work tomorrow, I thought I should let you have my views on cars.
I have been driving for near enough 20 years. In that time I have driven far too many to remember the names of all the makes and models. You will have to take my word for it that I have driven everything from cheap to luxury cars - Fords to BMW's and almost everything in between. I am happy to say, I am not a fan of the new Mercedes models. Reliability are not their strong point anymore. Too many things go wrong with the cars straight out of the box!!! I believe that in the 90's Mercedes decided to build cars to a price and market segment rather than build the car and then price it and fit it into the segment or what the heck create the segment. For me the old mercedes models (circa 60's to early 80's) had personality and style. Sadly or maybe not so sadly, I have not driven any really great cars or supercars. No Ferrari's, Bentley's etc. Having said that I have my views on cars and what I expect of them.
Cars should get me from A to B in comfort and style and be able to put a smile on my face and not leave me tired and irritable when I get out of them after a drive. One car that still has the abilty to do that for me is the Audi A6 (I have owned this for four and a half years and I still love it). Some cars have ticked all the boxes and some none at all. In this day and age, when we can put man into space and even on the moon, there is absolutely no justification for making an unreliable and trashy car. In my next post I will talk about the cars I have owned and I hope to own.
Finally, I have a maxim when it comes to buying and owning cars. If you cannot afford the petrol and the running costs you cannot afford the car. Simple common sense you would think but oh the number of times I have heard people say with pride how they can afford an expensive car or even own an expensive car and then moan about the low fuel consumption or the high cost of insuring it or the high cost of servicing the car. DOH!!!!!
My next post will be about the cars I have owned over the years and my views on them.

Saturday, 22 November 2008


So this is my first blog. Hopefully more to come if I dont get bored too soon. You should know I have the concentration span of a gnat. I assume of course that gnats have short concentration spans. I would'nt know I am just guessing. So what can you expect to read here? Hopefully interesting stuff and information that helps you in some way. At least what I think is interesting. Just so you know where I am coming from I think you should get to know a bit about me. That way you can see where and how my views have developed. 
So here goes. I am 45 years old. Ouch!!! mentally i don't feel it but my body keeps reminding me about my age all the time. I was born and raised in India. I came to the UK when I was 19. I studied as a chartered accountant and well now I am a partner in an accounting firm in London. I am interested in lots of things and I am going to list these out more as an aide memoire for me. Remind myself to write / touch on these subjects at some time.
Sports (playing and watching). I am a huge Tottenham Hotspur fan. So much so that with some friends, I have set up a charity called spursettes ( I also like music and from there it segues nicely into a love of hifi the quality stuff (Naim, Linn etc.). I cannot bear to listen to music if it is played through an inferior system. Then I love playing with computers and gadgets. I love poking and prodding new stuff. I am a boy so I gotta love cars. I love food - preferably good food. I am annoyed by bad service and I am sure you will hear about this from time to time. I also cannot stand people who do not take responsibility for their own actions. I do not have a technical brain and do not even start to pretend to undertsand how things work. I just know they work!!!!  I expect them to work!!!
I love travelling. I have been to over 50 countries and cities....i have lost track of. Lately I have met up with a bunch of people who love adventure holidays. So I have travelled and trekked around Bhutan, Borneo, Tibet. I have made it to base camp of Everest (woohoo) on the Chinese side (boohoo)!!!
Well guess what I am bored so I am now going to stop.
I look forward to seeing you here and I hope you enjoy reading some of what I put up here.