Sunday, 15 February 2009


As you may have noticed my blog has a feed to my twitter updates. So what is twitter, how does it work and on an on? Well here is a link which explains all
You can also click on the title of this blog and it will take you to the link as well.
If you want to join and you want people to follow then these are a few interesting people you should follow to get started:
stephen fry : @stephenfry
philip schofield: @schofe
Lily Allen : @lilyroseallen
me: @romitbasu
The whole point of twitter is to follow people and let people follow you. So its pointless locking your messages. Leave your profile open. People may or may not decide to follow you. Don't expect celebrity's and anyone who follows over 100 people to follow you or reply to your tweets. The simple reason is they might not even see your tweet as their tweets will get updated frequently. Check out Stephen Fry's blog @ where he discusses tweeting.
The more people you follow the chances are more people will follow you. Please put a picture of yourself up. People do want to follow a real person.
I use Tweetdeck on my windows computer and ceTwit on my windows mobile phone. On my Linux laptop at present I use the twitter website and tweetfox to follow tweets.
Finally if you want me to follow you feel free to ask me. All you need to do is follow me and let me know you read my blog and I will follow you. I am always looking for interesting people to follow.

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